American Staffing Association announces the 2024 National Staffing Employee Week from September 9 - 15. This week temporary and contract employees will be honored for their achievements that help businesses and the economy every day.

Currently there are about 13 million temporary and contract workers in the US.
“Temporary and contract employees provide the essential support, expertise and flexibility that organizations need to be successful,” ASA CEO Richard Wahlquist said in a press release. “National Staffing Employee Week provides a unique opportunity to recognize the millions of temporary employees and contractors whose achievements help bolster the economy every day.”
During the week of celebration and recognition, ASA member companies will host various events and activities to recognize and thank their staffing employees.
Nimble Technology Partners is excited to participate in the week’s festivities and will continue to support and advocate for temporary and contract workers across all types of industries, disciplines, and skill levels.
Learn more about this week by reading this release and find more information on how to celebrate at
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